
Ebay was the craziest most surreal things we have ever done as a family. When we got approached/emailed about being in an advert for Ebay we thought it was a joke and didn't reply at first. But when we found out more and talked to the awesome guys at 72andSunny we realised it wasn't a joke and the Tribe was actually going to be in an advert.

They found us through our Instagram @tribeandus and loved our home, tiny human Tribe, and Plant Tribe. We shot the advert in London and I got to have my hair and make-up done plus wardrobe for all Five of us!!!!! Marcie loved it, being dressed up all day and in front of the camera, she was a complete natural. The boys had no idea what was going on and found it all a bit overwhelming but were incredible and nailed it!

After spending a day shooting we woke up the next day and carried on as normal. Then about Two weeks later I got a message from a good friend with a picture of her telly it was Craig's face! We were on the telly, and not only that our family was on billboards, bus stops, on the side of buses and buildings all over the country! 
