Burley X Tribe and Us

Having kids is tough it has crazy effects on your body and finding the time to stay active becomes very tricky. I used to walk loads when the Twins were in a pram with Marcie on the board behind we would get out and explore. But then comes the time when they no longer want to be in a pram but they don’t really want to walk anywhere either because for every one of their steps I could have walked a mile.

Fast forward Three years and all three of my kids are at the best stage where they love walking and don’t complain. But their little legs still restricted how far we could travel, So thats when the idea of a bike trailer happened I could stay fit and take the kids along with me, we could travel a distance and have adventures to new places. I looked at reviews and researched loads about them online and Burley always came up top.

We have The Burley D’lite X and it’s incredible I cant even explain how well its made and how easy it is to put together, they have thought of everything. There is storage, the cover is UV protective, the seats are padded theres a wheel that flips down with a push of a button to make it into a stroller which the boys actually like to sit in and they snuggle up together!!!! It’s sturdy and easy to push, we have taken it over the beach loaded with all of our supplies and it was fine on sand, plus it acted as a chill out place when the kids could go when they got too hot.

I love the freedom Burley has given us.
